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Introduction of affliate marketing.

What is affliate marketing and  as a 14 year old how can I make money off it?

                                                It's great to see that a young person is interested in affiliate marketing. You are off to a great start.
Affiliate marketing is the digital version of being a salesman. You are a salesman for other people's products. If your friend is selling candy and you recommend others to buy it - you earn a commission for every sale that you give to the friend.
So, what people typically do is they create affiliate websites and recommend/promote those products in order to earn a commission. The company that they work with gives them a special link. The link tracks the amount of people that go to that link and the people that buy.                                                                                                                                                                    People make hundreds of thousands of dollars by promoting other people's products if done right. You can do it too.
Summary: Affiliate marketing = selling other people's products and earning a piece of the sale for doing so.                                                                                                                                                
